
Emotional Wellness Bundle


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A collection of four amazing recordings designed to help you to improve your emotional well-being. Overcoming Negative Thinking

This self-hypnosis recording contains a holistic approach with helpful and safe suggestions for overcoming those disempowering patterns of thought that may be holding you back from where you really want to go. Our subconscious minds have the power to change our negative beliefs, fears, disempowering self-images, and self-sabotaging worldview through the power of suggestion.

Overcoming Depression

This self-hypnosis recording contains helpful and safe suggestions for overcoming chronic and temporary depression at the mental and chemical levels. We can free ourselves from depression and create happy, fun, and interesting lives! If you are considering using this tape to decrease or quit taking antidepressant medication, please do it in conjunction with the support and consent of your psychiatrist or physician.

Overcoming Anger

Is uncontrollable anger interfering with your life? This self hypnosis audio recording will help you to release that anger so that you can be more relaxed at ease and confident in your ability to stay calm in challenging situations. You will learn unconscious strategies for letting go of resentments, irrational rages, hurts, so that the joy and happiness within you can now guide your life instead.

Energy and Focus

In this self -hypnosis audio recording you will be guided gently into trance and led through a series of consciousness techniques to increase your overall energy levels in life. Additionally you will be conditioned to develop greater focus and awareness of your goals to lead you toward success.



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Emotional Wellness Bundle

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