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New Hermetics Level One 8: Meeting With Your Inner Teacher


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The purpose of this tool is to provide you with a powerful internal resource for giving you advice on any subject, helping you to understand your internal experiences and assisting you to remove blocks and end conflicts inside your own inner temple. While this program might seem at first glance to be a bit "new agey, " it can be an extremely powerful method for obtaining assistance and guidance from our unconscious. The inner teacher is a projection in our minds of the Daemon, Holy Guardian Angel or Higher Genius. Although there is no obvious connection between this tool and Ancient Alexandria, every essential element of it is nearly identical to several methods for obtaining an "agathodaemon" that can be found in the magical papyri.

This product is an MP3 DOWNLOAD that you can use immediately. No shipping. No waiting. You can start using it to help change your life right now!



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New Hermetics Level One 8: Meeting With Your Inner Teacher

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