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More InfoA savings of nearly $60.00. This is a .zip file that contains all 7 of the Goetic recordings. This is an extremely large file so beware that you should have a very fast internet connection when you download. These recordings are designed to be used as an active aid in altered states magick. They lead you step by step through the process of invoking the Spirits of magick. They are designed to be used within a temple space, for a specific purpose, but they are extremely flexible. In other words they are actually to be used during a Goetic Evocation ceremony. It is highly recommemded that you conduct this work within a consecrated circle with a triangle outside. These recordings can be used both for conjuring to a mirror or crystal, or conjuring to full visible appearance, depending upon your own inclinations and abilities. . It is recommended that you read this PDF essay, New Hermetics Audio Theurgy available by clicking on this link. Each of these recording is approximately 45 minutes long.
The powers traditionally attributed to the 72 spirits of the Goetia are as follows: 1. King Baal Teaches the art of invisibility 2. Duke Agares Makes runaways come back, teaches languages, destroys temporal and supernatural dignities, earthquakes 3. Prince Vassago Declares past and future, discovers hidden and lost things 4. Marquis Samigina Teaches liberal sciences, tells of souls of those who died in sin and who drowned in the sea 5. President Marbas reveals hidden or secret things, causes and heals diseases, teaches mechanical arts, and changes people into other shapes 6. Duke Valefor Tempts people to steal and creates good relationships among thieves 7. Marquis Amon tells of all things past and future, procures feuds, and reconciles controversies between friends and foes 8. Duke Barbatos Gives understanding of the voices the animals, says past and future, conciliates friends and rulers, and can lead you to hidden treasures 9. King Paimon Teaches all arts, philosophies and sciences, and secret things, can reveal all mysteries of the Earth, wind and water, gives good familiars, dignities and confirms them, binds men to you 10. President Buer Teaches Natural and Moral Philosophy, Logic, and the virtues of all herbs and plants, heals all infirmities, and gives good familiars 11. Duke Gusion Tells all past, present and future things, shows the meaning of all questions that are asked to him, reconciles friends, and gives honor and dignity 12. Prince Sitri Causes men to love women and vice versa, and can make people bare themselves naked if desired 13. King Beleth Gives all the love of men and women he is commanded 14. Marquis Leraie He causes great battles and disputes, and makes gangrene wounds caused by arrows 15. Duke Eligos Discovers hidden things and knows the future of wars and how soldiers should meet, attracts the favor of lords, knights and other important persons 16. Duke Zepar Causes women to love men, and bring them together in love. He makes women barren. He is depicted with red clothes and armor, like a soldier 17. Count Botis Tells of all things past and future, and reconciles friends and foes 18. Duke Bathin Tells the virtues of precious stones and herbs, and can bring men suddenly from one country to another 19. Duke Sallos Causes men to love women and women to love men (Weyer does not mention the nature of his work 20. King Purson knows of hidden things, can find treasures, and tells past, present and future, also brings good familiars 21. Count Marax Teaches Astronomy and all other liberal sciences, and gives good and wise familiars that know the virtues of all herbs and precious stones 22. Count/Prince Ipos Reveals all things, past, present and future, can make men witty and valiant 23. Duke Aim Sets cities, castles and great places on fire, makes men witty in all ways, and gives true answers concerning private matters 24. Marquis Naberius Makes you cunning in all arts, but especially in rhetoric, restores lost dignities and honors 25. President Glasya-Labolas Tells all things past and to come, gains the minds and love of friends and foes causing love among them if desired, incites homicides and can make you invisible. 26. Duke Buné Changes the place of the dead, makes you eloquent and wise, and gives true answers to their demands and also richness 27. Marquis Ronové Teaches Rhetoric, languages, and gives good and loyal servants and the favour of friends and foes. 28. Duke Berith Tells things of the past, present and future with true answers, turns all metals into gold, gives dignities to men 29. Duke Astaroth Teaches mathematical sciences and handicrafts, can make you invisible and lead you to hidden treasures, and answers every question 30. Marquis Forneus Teaches Rhetoric and languages, gives men a good name, and makes them be loved by their friends and foes. 31. President Foras Teaches logic and ethics in all their branches, the virtues of all herbs and precious stones, can make you witty, eloquent, invisible, and live long, and can discover treasures and recover lost things. 32. King Asmoday Teaches Arithmetic, Astronomy, Geometry, and all handicrafts, makes you invincible, and finds treasure 33. Prince Gaap Teaches Philosophy and all liberal sciences, can cause love or hate and make men insensible and invisible, deliver familiars out of the custody of other magicians, gives true answers concerning past, present and future, and can carry and re-carry men and things speedily 34. Count Furfur Causes love between a man and a woman, creates storms, tempests, thunder, lightning, and blasts, and teaches on secret and divine things. 35. Marquis Marchosias Strong in battle, gives true answers to all questions 36. Prince Stolas Teaches astronomy and the knowledge of poisonous plants, herbs and precious stones. 37. Marquis Phenex Teaches all wonderful sciences, is an excellent poet, and is very obedient to the conjuror. 38. Count Halphas Builds towers and fills them with ammunition and weapons, an armorer of sorts. He is a prince of Hell. He is also said to send his legions into battle, or to places designated by higher commanding demons. 39. Earl Malphas Builds houses, high towers and strongholds, throws down the buildings of the enemies, can destroy your enemies' desires or thoughts and all they have done, gives good familiars 40. Count Raum Steals treasures out of kings' houses, carrying them where he wishes, and destroys cities and dignities of men, also tells things past, present and future, reconcile friends and foes, and invoke love. 41. Duke Focalor Kills men, drowns them, and overthrows warships; but if commanded by the conjuror he will not harm any man or thing, has power over wind and sea 42. Duke Vepar Governs the waters and guides armoured ships laden with ammunition and weapons;can make the sea rough and stormy, and to appear full of ships, and can make men die in three days by putrefying sores and wounds, causing worms to breed in them 43. Marquis Sabnock Builds high towers, castles and cities, furnishing them with weapons, ammunition, etc., gives good familiars, and can afflict men for several days making their wounds and sores gangrenous or filling them with worms. 44. Marquis Shax Takes away the sight, hearing and understanding of any person and steals money out of kings' houses, carrying it back to the people, also steals horses and everything else, can discover hidden things, and sometimes gives good familiars 45. King Vine Tell present, past and future, discovers witches and hidden things, creates storms and makes the water rough by means of them, and also brings down walls and builds towers 46. Count Bifrons Teaches sciences and arts, the virtues of the gems and woods, herbs, and changes corpses from their original grave into other places, sometimes putting magic lights on the graves that seem like candles. 47. Duke Vual Gives the love of women, causes friendship between friends and foes, and tells things past, present and to come. 48. President Haagenti Makes men wise by instructing them in every subject, transmutes all metals into gold, and changes wine into water and water into wine 49. Duke Crocell Teaches geometry and other liberal sciences, also warms bodies of water, creates the illusion of the sound of rushing waters, and reveals the location of natural baths. 50. Knight Furcas Teaches Philosophy, Astronomy, Rhetoric, Logic, Chiromancy and Pyromancy. 51. King Balam Tells things past, present, and to come, and can also make men invisible and witty. 52. Duke Alloces Provides good familiars, teaches astronomy and liberal arts. 53. President Camio A good disputer, gives the understanding of the voices of birds, bullocks, dogs, and other creatures, and of the noise of the waters too, and gives true answers concerning things to come. 54. Duke Murmur Teaches Philosophy, and can oblige the souls of the deceased to appear before you to answer every desired question. 55. Prince Orobas Gives true answers of things past, present and to come, divinity, and the creation of the world, confers dignities and prelacies, and the favour of friends and foes 56. Duke Gremory Tells all things past, present and future, about hidden treasures, and procures the love of women, young and old, but especially maidens. 57. President Ose Makes you wise in all liberal sciences and gives true answers concerning divine and secret things, also brings insanity to any person you wish, making him/her believe that he/she is the creature or thing the magician desired, or makes that person think he is a king and wearing a crown, or a Pope. 58. President Amy Makes you marvelous at astrologie, and all the liberal sciences, gives excellent familiars, reveals treasures 59. Marquis Orias Teaches the virtues of the stars and the mansions of the planets, also gives dignities, prelacies, and the favour of friends and foes, and can change you into any shape. 60. Duke Vapula Teaches Philosophy, Mechanics, and sciences. 61. King Zagan Makes men witty, can also turn wine into water, water into wine, and blood into wine, turns metals into coins that are made with that metal 62. President Valac Gives true answers about hidden treasures, reveals where serpents can be seen, and delivers them harmless to you 63. Marquis Andras Sows discord among people. 64. Duke Haures Gives true answers of all things past, present and future, also destroys all your enemies by burning them up. 65. Marquis Andrealphus Raises great noises and teaches cunning in astronomy, teaches geometry, and can turn any man into a bird. 66. Marquis Cimeies Locates lost or hidden treasures, teaches grammar, logic and rhetoric, and makes you into a warrior of his own likeness. 67. King Amdusias Causes all types of musical instruments to be heard but not seen, makes trees bend. 68. King Belial Distributes senatorships and gives excellent familiars. 69. Marquis Decarabia Teaches the virtues of all herbs and precious stones, and can change into all birds and sing and fly like them 70. Prince Seere Brings things to pass suddenly, transports anywhere, discovers thefts 71. Duke Dantalion Teaches all arts and sciences, and knows the thoughts of all people. Causes love and shows visions of any person. 72. Count Andromalius Brings back thieves and stolen goods, discovers and punishes thieves and the wicked, discovers hidden treasures.
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